Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Last night I went to the first yoga class I've been to in over 2 years. (note to self- don't do a POWER yoga class after being a yoga vegetable for a month and a yoga class drop out for 2 years. It hurts!) As we were finishing up the class and doing the last pose, final relaxation, I focused on my breath and the thought came to me that our breath is like giving and receiving. We receive oxygen and give carbon dioxide. We receive energy and give rest. We receive life and give life.

Obviously I'm not the first person to make the connection between breath and the ebb and flow of life, but it really hit home for me last night. The verse "to give is better than to receive" is often quoted. Not usually by someone who's giving you something. And while there is great blessing in giving, I think the blessing of receiving if often over looked. I'm not talking about material gifts or the attitude of someone who is demanding that they receive. I'm talking about the willingness and openness to receive what is readily available.

This last year has been the first time in my life that I have really observed the Sabbath. Observing the Sabbath never sounded very fun or productive to me. Get up early, get dolled up, go sit in church in a hard pew and listen to a boring sermon. I did it as a kid, dropped it as a teenager and quickly had the excuse that I "had to" work on the weekends. In food service and retail it's not an option. Besides, God knew my heart and I could worship him no matter what I was doing. Why go to church?

As I've realized this last year, I was missing the entire point of the Sabbath. It's about rest, rejuvenation, and connection with God and others. For me, it's about worship music and dance, long hot showers, a good nap, playing with my kids and a hike in the woods. I still don't go to church (and no longer observe the Sabbath on Sunday), but do attend a home fellowship every other week. For you it might be totally different, and that's ok. What feels restful to each of us will be as different as our personalities, the seasons of our lives, and God's calling for each of us. For me, as sundown on Friday approaches, I feel like a weight is being lifted off my shoulders. I no longer run myself ragged for weeks at a time. Each week I join in rest with my Beloved- it's my date with Him.

I'm learning to receive in other ways too. I'm a work at home mom, and while I love my kids and I'm so glad to be able to be home with them, I do occasionally experience the tug of war that lots of moms go through. I love to be home, but need to get away, but don't want to leave my babies, but really don't want to nurse the 4 year old again today. I do the occasional mom's night out, I go to a class on Wednesdays, and starting this week I'm doing yoga classes again. Those things are all a nice refresher in their own way, but I can't let myself depend on them as my "escape." Then my focus is on what I *don't* want to do, and I'll be counting down the hours until I get my relief. Then the "if-onlys" start. If only I could do more things out of the house, if only my kids were older, if only we had money for a babysitter.

I'm learning to receive the joy, the rest, the energy that is right before my eyes. Sometimes that does mean a few minutes alone. When the kids are busy playing, I take 5 minutes to do a few stretches, say a little prayer, do a meditation, or slowly drink and enjoy a big glass of water. However, I'm also discovering the rest in the chaos. When I'm playing and wrestling with my 4 year old, I can relish the hug I get before she gets away. When I'm nursing the baby, I can take that time to look into her eyes and laugh at those milky grins. When my daughter and I butt heads over doing something, I can turn from facing off to standing next to her and turn from being her adversary to being her partner. When the kids have dumped an entire glass full of water on the floor, I can watch their little hands splash in the water and see the delight on their faces. And on the days when I need some extra rest, I can see that as a sign they need a bath and jump in with them.

Of course, the ultimate place I receive is from the giver of life Himself. It's no wonder that one of the names for the Spirit of God is breath. He breaths his life into us and is always available to fill us up with his love, his joy, his rest. It only requires the openness to accept what he is already offering. As 1 John 4:19 says, "We love, because he first loved us." When we are open to receiving, we have the ability to give.

Take a deep breath. In..... Out...... Receive........ Give......

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